Thursday, March 11, 2010


I went back to work today. I should have stayed home again as the process to get to school was ridiculous - late leaving, got stuck behind the school bus, got stuck behind the driver going 5 mph under the speed limit, got stuck in the drop off line and ultimately my son came home from school sick about an hour later. I was 5 minutes late to work and lost a quarter of my workday.

However, everyone was so happy to see me. I think we all get stuck in the monotony of the day to day grind and tend to lose that sense of connection with each other, we're all just there. Everyday. So being gone, people actually missed me - it was a little surprising, and touching, to know that they do look forward to seeing me, even for 20 minutes.
On top of that, hanging out in the workroom has me appreciating everyone's individuality and how as a team we all blend and banter and bring something to the table that if it were someone else - it wouldnt' be the same.

This is making the decision to leave that much harder. I thought I had it figured out. Until I went back in today... I'd still see them, I am there every Friday anyway, but somehow I wouldn't be one of the family anymore. It's a tough choice...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Absence makes the heart grow fonder..

I have been away from the hen house for almost a week. The fam went to Disneyland for the weekend and then when we came home, recovery, homework, and sick kids had me cashing in some of the sick days I've accumulated over the last year and a half.

It seems like longer that I've been working there. I truly feel as though we are a family - complete with our alliances and our rivalries. It's nice to know that once you are accepted in, you are in for good.

I am contemplating leaving. Not because I want to but because life circumstances have me having to make a decision. While my pitiful hours are obviously not what's keeping me there, I look at what is. Flexible hours, ability to have my kids go to whatever school in the district they want, guaranteed hours the following year - if I leave so does my guarantee, seniority within the district...

What will I gain? Freedom. Flexibility. An advance on my education.

Are the minimal hours worth hanging on to for an unknown future?


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

It's Rooster Day - Hooray Hooray!

Today is Dr. Seuss' birthday. It also happens to be Rooster's birthday. While well wishes were being broadcast across our 2-way's, it was pointed out that Dr. Seuss could reluctantly share the day. If he had to.

After a ridiculous amount of vomit-inducing revelry around the Rooster in the backyard alone, he wasn't even there since he works the front yard in the mornings, it continued inside... A cake, presents, well-wishes, and tubs of frosting which are his personal favorite snack.

Like a jealous sister I find myself going W. T. F.?

Why does the most self-absorbed creature in the whole barnyard get the most celebration? Not even the Coyotes get this type of fanfare.

It's a mystery. I guess those who tout their own self-worth incite others to believe it. Self-confidence is key, regardless of behavior.

Like the Cat-in-the-Hat while he breaks every rule
unseen by the parents or in this case the school
Confidently dictating what others should do
while he does what he, what HE wants to do
regardless of policies, ethics, or morals
elbowing for position while bitching a choral
about how underappreciated his work always is
his genius unrealized, his time down a seive
the rest of us picking up slack left behind
while he manages to get paid twice for his time
yet when it comes down to the final reveal
while we wait for fruits of his labor to congeal
it's never quite, never Quite noticed it seems
by the big wigs who head up this crazy regime
inevitably it all works out just fine
for him anyway, the rest of us whine
At the end of the day, like that kooky old cat
everythings clean and tidy and complaints just fall flat
for behind that engaging and cocky demeanor
he has the most important thing of all...a wiener.